Inside The UK's Illegal Steroid Laboratories
After months of negotiations Sky News is invited into a West Midlands laboratory making bootleg steroids

A number of illegal laboratories are manufacturing bootleg steroids to feed the nation's growing habit for muscle-building drugs, Sky News has learned.
After months of negotiations our contact agreed to show us one of the blackmarket labs.
We were taken to an inconspicuous garage somewhere in the West Midlands.
Inside we witnessed anabolic steroids being mixed up.
The products that are thrown together - in far from sterile conditions - will be injected by users to enhance their physiques. The men behind the operation agreed to speak to us on the condition they remained anonymous.
They told us the market is massive.
"The fitness industry is growing - everybody sees all this stuff on the TV and wants to look good so we're getting busier and busier," they said.
"More and more people want to start up their own lab but they don't have the knowledge of where to get the powders, so they come to us.
"We can make up to between £15,000 and £20,000 a month and I know people who make us look like chump change. People who are making up to £150,000 a month."
There are no national statistics for the number of people using anabolic steroids but what is clear is that more and more young men are prepared to risk their health to look good in a society where body-beautiful is increasingly important. We met Louis Davies and Ben Mannion as they got ready to go out on the town.
They were both pumping up their muscles in their front room with multiple sets of press ups and dumbbell exercises.
Louis told us he took steroids because he was afraid of looking small.
"I don't ever want to feel like I'm second best. In terms of widespread it's all over," he said.
"Every single gym has it. A lot of people get acne but I'm not an acne-prone person. I have had a bit of 'gyno', which is inflammation of the nipple, but I got rid of that with some tablets."
Ben also uses because being big and strong is an important part of his life.