Corbyn Warns 'No Hiding Place' On Syria Vote

 Jeremy Corbyn

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has warned MPs there is "no hiding place" on the crucial vote over Syria airstrikes.
It would be up to individual members to make up their own mind, he told Sky News.
Parliament will vote on extending airstrikes  - currently restricted to Iraq - to IS targets in Syria after a one-day debate on Wednesday.
"The vast majority of party members are opposed to the war in Syria, the majority of Labour MPs are opposed to the war in Syria.
"But I have a spirit of democratic openness in which I agreed on a free vote so that every member has their responsibility tomorrow to make their decision on whether this country goes to war again or not."
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He added: "I hope every MP will recognise tomorrow there's no hiding place on whipping  or anything else, you've got to make up your own mind.
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"But the important issue tomorrow isn't the process within the Labour Party, it's David Cameron trying to take this country into a bombing mission in Syria, claiming there is an army of 75,000 people about to support, whose existence is questionable shall we say and whose membership is certainly more interested either in fighting Assad or of doing deals with other jihadist forces.
"It seems to me we're stepping into something potentially rather dangerous and unknown but also when you bomb in Raqqa or anywhere else, any other place, you kill people.
"You actually bomb and there are civilian casualties as a result of it. Is that actually going to help the political process or shouldn't we be putting our efforts into a political settlement in Syria supporting the Vienna process? Surely that is a much more profitable way forward than this?"
The Cabinet has agreed on the Commons motion setting out the need for military action against the militant group.
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Speaking from Downing Street, David Cameron said: "I will be making the arguments and I hope as many Members of Parliament - across all parties - will support me as possible.
"That motion talks about ... the necessity of taking military action against ISIL (IS) in Syria as well as Iraq, but it is part of a broader strategy.
"It's about politics and diplomacy and humanitarian aid, all of which we need to bring to bear to bring peace to Syria but to make sure we protect our national interest of fighting against this appalling terrorist organisation."


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