Call For 'More Clarity' From PM On IS Airstrikes
Labour's deputy leader Tom Watson has called on the Prime Minister to provide "more clarity" on his plan for fighting IS in Syria, saying a large number of MPs "remain unconvinced".
Parliament will vote on extending airstrikes against IS targets into Syria after a one-day debate on Wednesday.
David Cameron could receive support from dozens of Labour MPs, as well as his own party, after Jeremy Corbyn confirmed they would get a free vote on the issue. But in a letter to the Prime Minister, Mr Watson - one of a number of senior party figures to indicate support for further military action - said Labour MPs' support should not be taken for granted. He said Mr Cameron needed to provide more detail on his wider strategy for a political transition in Syria to end the country's civil war.
Mr Watson also questioned the PM's claim that there were 70,000 "moderate" opposition fighters on the ground in Syria.
He said Mr Cameron needs to explain how those fighters will help in the IS battle.
Mr Watson wrote: "While many colleagues agree with the compelling moral and legal case for action, a large section of Labour MPs remain unconvinced about two areas in particular and would welcome more clarity on these issues.
"It is incumbent upon you as the Prime Minister to listen and engage with colleagues and to answer the legitimate questions I have raised on their behalf.
"I do not believe you have given proper time to build consensus."
Speaking from Downing Street, Mr Cameron said: "I will be making the arguments and I hope as many Members of Parliament - across all parties - will support me as possible.
"We had a meeting of the Cabinet this morning and have agreed the motion that will be put in front of the House of Commons.
"That motion talks about, yes, the necessity of taking military action against ISIL (IS) in Syria as well as Iraq, but it is part of a broader strategy.
"It's about politics and diplomacy and humanitarian aid, all of which we need to bring to bear to bring peace to Syria but to make sure we protect our national interest of fighting against this appalling terrorist organisation."