5 Natural Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects as many as 30 million men in the United States. Almost half of men over age 75 experience ED, according to the National Institutes of Health.
ED is commonly called “impotence.” It’s a condition in which a man can’t achieve or maintain an erection during sexual performance. Symptoms may also include reduced sexual desire or libido. Standard treatments include pharmaceutical medications, vacuum pumps, implants, and surgery, but many men prefer natural options. Research has found that some natural options can improve your ED symptoms. Some common causes of ED include:
  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • multiple sclerosis
  • tobacco use
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • enlarged prostate gland
One study found that persistent alcohol use induced ED as well. Seventy-two percent of men diagnosed with alcohol dependence syndrome were diagnosed with sexual dysfunction. This includes premature ejaculation and ED. 

Natural Solution #1 and #2: Panax Ginseng and Rhodiola Rosea

Called the “herbal Viagra,” Panax ginseng (“red ginseng”) has solid research behind it. Researchers reviewed seven studies of red ginseng and ED in 2008. Dosages ranged from 600 to 1,000 mg three times daily. They concluded there was “suggestive evidence for the effectiveness of red ginseng in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.”
One small study also indicated Rhodiola rosea may be helpful. Twenty-six out of 35 men were given 150 to 200 mg a day for three months. They experienced substantially improved sexual function. 
Contact Yemiindmoon2000@gmail.com for the other 3.


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